What plant is Tequila made from

Tequila is made from the blue agave (Agave Azul), which is native to Mexico. Agave Azul grows in the Aztec Highlands, near the city of Tequila, and is a succulent plant that forms rosette-like growth and long, pointed leaves.

To make tequila, the leaves of the agave are cut off to reveal the heart of the plant, called the "piña." This agave piña is then baked or boiled to activate the natural enzymes in the plant and convert the starch into sugar - this is the process to produce the agave juice. The liquid obtained is then fermented and distilled in barrels to ultimately produce tequila.

Most tequilas are made with at least 51% Agave Azul; tequila with 100% Agave Azul is called "Tequila 100% Agave" and is considered a higher quality tequila. Tequila is a legally protected term and can only (!) be made from the blue agave and produced only in Mexico - certain areas, in particular around Jalisco and other bordering states are exclusively approved for the cultivation and production of Tequila.

How to take a Tequila shot

There are different methods of drinking tequila, depending on personal preference and the quality of the tequila, but in general there are two common methods:

  1. shots: A popular, quick and easy way to drink tequila is to drink it as a shot. This means that a small glass is given an ounce or two of tequila and drunk all at once. To do this, first lick the salt crust on the palm of your hand, drink the tequila, which is then finished off with a slice of lime by putting it in your mouth and squeezing the juice over it.
  2. tequila cocktails: tequila makes an excellent base for many different cocktails. Margaritas are probably the most famous, and there are many different delicious margarita recipe variations with different flavors, aromas and options. Some other popular tequila cocktails include Paloma, Tequila Sunrise, Tequila Sour or a simple Tequila Soda (tequila and mineral water). These cocktails are easy to drink in a sensual way.

It's also always a good idea to try high-quality tequila neat and sip it slowly to experience the full spectrum of its flavors and notes. In general, serve tequila in a swirler or snifter glass at room temperature to release the flavors and notes before sipping in small sips. A good tequila can be enjoyed in this manner, just as a good whiskey is enjoyed - slowly and in full flavor density excitement.

Why is there a worm in Tequila

A worm in tequila is actually a legend surrounding a particular Mexican liquor, namely mezcal not tequila. Mezcal is a spirit made from the agave plant.

Only certain mezcals contain a worm, called a "gusano", and not every bottle has one either. The worm is usually planted on the agave piña and then harvested while the piña is being prepared for distillation. There are a few different theories as to why the worm ended up in mezcal. One following legend states that the worm was traditionally eaten by locals to enhance the visions received from consuming the drink.

However, modern distillers no longer use the worm, and it is more of a marketing tactic to attract attention. The worm really has no effect on the taste of mezcal and many aficionados even emphasize that the worm in the bottle is rather distracting. High quality mezcal has no worm in the bottle and is just as delicious as the one without the worm. It is important to note that there are no worms in tequila bottles. Tequila is not made in the same way as mezcal and no unwanted animals or insects are used in its production.

Who owns 818 Tequila?

818 Tequila is owned by the famous American singer, songwriter, and actress, Kendall Jenner. She first launched the tequila brand in February 2021 after working on the project for nearly four years.

Jenner named the brand "818" after the area code of the San Fernando Valley in California, where she grew up. The focus of her brand is to create Tequila from locally-sourced agaves and to give back to the community in Jalisco, Mexico, where production takes place. The 818 Tequila launched with three variants- Blanco (unaged), Reposado (aged 6 months in oak barrels), and Anejo (aged 18 months in oak barrels).

While many people initially were skeptical about the tequila brand coming from a celebrity entrepreneur, 818 Tequila has received positive reviews and quickly become a significant contender in the premium tequila industry.

How many shots of Tequila to get drunk?

This question is very difficult to answer because the amount of tequila needed to get drunk depends on many factors. Weight, gender, blood alcohol level, and the amount of food you ate before drinking can all contribute to how many shots of tequila you would need to get drunk. People who have smaller bodies or less experience with alcohol tend to be more susceptible to rapid intoxication. A rule of thumb is that for an adult, one standard shot (about 1.5 ounces or 44 ml) of tequila is enough to cause a mild effect. A healthy adult can generally consume an approximately 7 to 8 shots of tequila before reaching an alcohol level that will make them drunk. However, it is important to note that drinking too much tequila in a short period of time can lead to acute alcohol intoxication, which can be very dangerous. It is important to be responsible with alcoholic beverages and never drink too much in a short period of time. If you enjoy tequila, drink slowly and make sure you have eaten enough to slow the level of alcohol in your blood . If you plan to drink, always have safe transportation to get home or avoid drinking too much.

What does Tequila taste like?

The taste of tequila can vary depending on the type and aging. Blanco tequila is generally spicy and slightly tart, while anejo tequila has a more complex flavor of wood, vanilla and caramel. Generally, however, a 100% agave tequila has a strong and pure flavor of agave and earth, coupled with a hint of citrus. A higher quality tequila will often exhibit notes of vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, caramel and nuts, often added by the aging process in oak barrels. Some tequilas also show a hint of smokiness, especially those made in mezcal regions. When tasting tequila, a fruity note is often detected, which may come from citrus or tropical fruits such as mango or pineapple. The intense, clean and distinctive flavor of tequila is best enjoyed neat or as part of a simple tequila cocktail. The flavors found in tequila are quite diverse and depend on individual preferences. Therefore, it is recommended to try different brands and ages of tequila to find your own personal favorite and experience the full spectrum of its flavors and notes

What mixes well with Tequila

There are many different cocktails and drinks that can be mixed with tequila. Some of the most popular options are:

These are just a few examples of the most popular cocktails and drinks that can be mixed with tequila. The possibilities are almost endless and it is always possible to create your own mixes by trying different flavors and ingredients.

How many calories in a shot of Tequila

A shot of tequila (about 44ml) without admixtures contains an average of 97 calories when made from 100% agave. However, if the tequila is made with a mix of other sugars, the calorie content may vary. It is important to note, however, that when tequila is mixed with other ingredients to make a cocktail, such as lemon juice, agave nectar or lime juice, the calorie content increases. The actual calories in a tequila cocktail will depend on the specific ingredients and the amount mixed into the cocktail. It should be noted that due to its high alcohol content, tequila slows rather than speeds up the metabolism, and consuming larger amounts can ultimately lead to weight gain.

How is Tequila made?

This is the basic step by step guide to making tequila. The different types of tequila differ in their aging process, the barrels used and the flavor that comes from the aging process.

  1. Harvesting the agaves: To make tequila, the agaves must be planted and harvested, and they must be at least 8-10 years old to produce enough sugar.
  2. Removal of the agave leaves: when the agaves are ripe, their leaves are cut off by hand, exposing the heart, also called "piña".
  3. Cooking of the agave hearts: the piñas are then cooked in ovens or in pits made of natural materials to release the juice and sugar. This process can take between 12 and 48 hours, depending on the size of the agave.
  4. Extraction of the agave juice: When the piñas are fully cooked, the agave juice is extracted. This is done either by pureeing the piñas or by cutting them into small pieces and squeezing them in juicers.
  5. Fermentation of the juice: the agave juice is fermented in large tanks with special yeast strains to increase the alcohol content. The fermentation process usually lasts between 2 and 5 days.
  6. Distillation of Tequila: When the fermentation process is complete, the tequila is distilled. It is usually passed through copper stills twice to achieve a higher alcohol content and richer flavor.
  7. Aging (optional): Some tequilas, such as anejo and reposado, are aged in oak barrels for a period of time to enhance their flavor. Anejo tequila is aged for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years, while Reposado tequila is aged in barrels for a minimum of two months and a maximum of one year.
  8. Bottling: When the tequila has matured satisfactorily, it is bottled and prepared for sale.

What is Tequila made from?

Tequila is made from the juice of the blue agave. The blue agave is a spiny plant native to Mexico and grown near Jalisco, in the center of the country. The production of tequila begins with the harvest of the agave plants, which must be at least 8-10 years old. The head of the agave, or "piña," is harvested, the leaves are removed, and the piñas are then cooked in ovens or pits to release juice and sugar.

The extracted juice is then usually fermented and distilled to produce tequila. There are two main categories of tequila: 100% agave tequila, which is made exclusively from agave sugar, and tequila, which is made from a mixture of agave sugar and other sugar sources (such as cane sugar).

The quality of tequila depends on several factors, including the aging period and the manufacturing process. Blanco tequila is white and unaged, Anejo tequila is aged in oak barrels for at least one year and has a golden color, while Extra Anejo tequila is aged for at least three years and has a dark color. Aging in oak barrels gives the tequila a richer and more complex flavor and excellent aroma.